For years the UN has been calling on governments to “hear the children,” meaning to let them have a say in government, to establish mechanisms such as “children’s parliaments” for them to be heard and to even put children on their UN delegations so they can influence UN policies.
Yet anti-family UN lobbying groups and UN bureaucrats constantly hand pick children to attend UN meetings who have been carefully groomed to promote radical sexual rights and other things harmful to children. The “Bali Global Forum Youth Declaration” is a good example. (Click here to see our past report on this.)
This radical Bali Youth Declaration claims that what children and youth around the world really want are rights to abortion, to be able to express their sexuality, experience sexual pleasure, and to legalize prostitution and same-sex marriage among other things. Often these youth have little or no understanding of what they are advocating.
We know from past experience that when children honestly and sincerely present their views and concerns, it has a huge impact on policymakers. We know that they can help focus the world’s leaders on the language of existing UN documents that are now too often ignored. This is why the “Declaration on the Rights of Children and Their Families” came about.
The Declaration states that each child has a right to:
A Family
A Married Mother and Father
The Protection and Guidance of Their Parents
An Education
A Religion
Innocence and Childhood
And that the Protection of Children Requires
the Protection of the Family