International negotiations at the United Nations over the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) are reaching a critical point. When they are adopted, these goals will guide international development for the next 15 years. Yet there is not one meaningful mention of the family in these goals.
For months, we and other pro-family groups have been working to help pro-family UN delegations get language into the SDGs that focuses on the family and recognizes its fundamental role in any successful sustainable development efforts.
On January 20th, a group of 18 nations (see list below) took the lead in this effort by forming a “Friends of the Family” coalition and calling on all other nations to join them in recognizing the importance of the family in the SDGs. (Click here to read their historic statement.)
Now this group has grown to 25 countries and has formally launched their coalition in an official communication to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.
Now it is time for people around the world to support these countries by signing a letter to each of them expressing appreciation for their efforts and encouragement as they work to get more countries to sign on to the declaration.
Please help ensure that policies that protect the family and family values will be a high priority for international development efforts over the next 15 years!